Sunday, September 28, 2014

Enduring Ideas of Technology Student Survey

Foundations of Technology
Unit 1 Lesson 2: Technological Inventions and Innovations
File 1.2.2: Enduring Ideas of Technology Student Survey


Directions: Use the graphic below to answer the questions in the student survey. Some questions are specific to the graphic, while others will require you to use additional background knowledge.  Write the questions and answers in your Engineer's Design Notebook.  Once complete, discuss your answers with a partner and collectively develop a definition for the terms “Invention” and “Innovation.”


Student Survey:

1.     Is the adoption rate of communication technology increasing or decreasing? Cite specific evidence.
2.     Why do you believe that current communication technology is adopted at a faster rate?  Cite specific evidence?
3.     Based on the graphic, can you generally predict how long it took current communication technologies like Google, Twitter, and Facebook to reach 10 million users?
4.     As technology advances, does technology become more or less complex?  Why?
5.     As technology advances, do people become more or less specialized in the things they do for a living? Cite examples.
6.     As technology advances, do the tools and processes we use to make, build, and do things become more efficient (become faster and require less material, energy, and fewer people)?  Cite examples.
7.     As technology advances, does it require science and math applications? Cite examples.
Define the term “Invention”:
Define the term “Innovation”:

Think, Pair, Share

1.    Think: Individually, take two to five minutes to record your thoughts.

2.    Pair: With a student close to you, share your reflections.

Consider the following questions: What surprised you? What conclusions did you both agree upon? Develop a definition for each of the terms “invention” and “innovation.”

3.    Share: Be prepared to share your discussion with the class.


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